Discovering the Surya Top Trek: Stunning Panoramas of Gangotri and Yamunotri Ranges

A trip to the Himalayas is not simply a matter of packing bags and taking a flight. It requires a dedicated approach to strengthening both the mind and body, with the former being more crucial. Failing to maintain a balance between the two can result in cutting the journey short and having an unsatisfactory travel experience. For almost ten years, my love for the majestic Himalayas has driven me to return to these awe-inspiring natural wonders time and time again. This particular trip, my eleventh visit, was especially significant. Imagine being interviewed and going through a standard screening process just to visit the Himalayas. It may sound strange, but that’s exactly how this journey unfolded. This journey was filled with unique encounters amidst the struggle of a modern-day adventurer trapped in urban landscapes, seeking opportunities and embracing boundless possibilities. In today’s fast-paced and fiercely competitive world, it’s easy to feel like just another face in the crowd. Nevertheless, the remarkable trait of perseverance works wonders.

Since discovering the key to survival in the material world, I have firmly believed that opportunities are not always handed to you; you must actively seek them out. At a time when I was actively planning an adventurous journey to break the shackles, there came a delightful opportunity to explore the magnificent Himalayas. Initially, my application received no response, but a few days later, I received an unexpected phone call. It was an indescribable feeling to be acknowledged by a prestigious organization, especially one that had ignited my passion for the Himalayas years ago. I was filled with happiness when I received recognition for my photography from one of the leading trekking companies in India. This joy grew exponentially when I was offered the opportunity to collaborate with them. I credit my passion and dedication to Photography as the main reasons for this opportunity. This was not just any ordinary trekking expedition for me; it was a special documentation project.

In February 2024, I found myself facing numerous challenges in both my personal and professional life. Personally, I was grappling with a viral infection called Shingles, scientifically known as herpes zoster. This infection brought about excruciatingly painful rashes that spread across various parts of my body, causing intense discomfort and hindering my daily activities. Coping with shingles required not only managing the physical pain but also dealing with the emotional and psychological toll it took on me. The constant agony disrupted my sleep, left me feeling frustrated and helpless, and even contributed to social anxiety due to the visible rash and blisters.


During this period, I was presented with an opportunity from a well-known trekking company in India, Indiahikes. The opportunity involved documenting India’s newest trekking trails that lead to Surya Top in the state of Uttarakhand. This was going to be a sponsored photography assignment with Indiahikes. I was determined not to let this chance slip away, even though I was still in the process of recovering and uncertain about my overall fitness levels, which were significantly lower than the required fitness level for the trek. However, I went through the screening procedures with a strong belief in my ability to recover in time. Eventually, I was chosen for the role, which brought me great joy. This situation perfectly exemplified the famous quote, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” It was a testament to my self-confidence and self-belief, which played a crucial role in overcoming a major obstacle. I managed to turn adversity into an opportunity on my path to recovery. With less than 6 weeks until the start of my journey, I had to focus on recovering from my shingles infection and reaching the required fitness level for a high-altitude trek. The support of my family and effective medical assistance was vital in dealing with the challenges posed by shingles.

Fast forward to April 2024, despite a significant improvement in the visible rash, I still experienced lingering pain in the nerves surrounding my chest and back. However, I remained resolute in my determination to overcome this discomfort. To aid in my recovery, I began incorporating low-intensity exercises into my routine, such as short-distance cycling. Surprisingly, within a few days, I noticed a remarkable improvement in the strength and healing of the affected nerves. Encouraged by this progress, I intensified my fitness regimen approximately two weeks before the trek. This involved incorporating time-bound jogging and running, which played a crucial role in enhancing my overall fitness levels for the upcoming adventure. To my delight, I felt completely content with my preparation after undergoing a thorough medical check-up, which confirmed my physical fitness standard for the upcoming trek. In a subsequent post, I will delve into the topic of preparedness, focusing on both the mental and physical aspects, specifically tailored for high-altitude trekking.

Before I take you further, here’s a glimpse of what lies ahead in this article! Watch this mesmerizing visual! That’s how magnificent this entire journey unfolded!


It was time to embark on my first major travel of the year. The clock struck 2 AM, and I began my day by savoring a hot cup of coffee at home. As I made my way to the Chennai airport, I couldn’t resist indulging in a refreshing cup of cold coffee. It was an invigorating start to my day. What made it even more thrilling was the fact that I was undertaking a paid assignment to document a brand-new Himalayan trek for a highly esteemed organization. This adventure would lead me to an altitude of approximately 13,000 feet MSL, where I would be treated to awe-inspiring views of the majestic Garhwal Himalayas.

Most of my journeys involve early morning flights, and I find great delight in them. The airport is notably less crowded, the airfare is budget-friendly, and the joy of witnessing the sunrise is unparalleled. After four hours of travel, I finally arrived at the small yet picturesque Dehradun’s Jolly Grant airport. Upon my arrival, I was greeted by the airport’s recent renovation, which showcased intricate decorations in both the arrival hall and the entry/exit gates, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.


On a delightful summer morning, I had the pleasure of meeting a group of like-minded adventurers and embarking on a day-long road trip to our basecamp. Raithal, situated in the Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand, is a charming village nestled at an altitude of over 7,000 feet MSL. It is renowned among the trekking community as the starting point for the popular Dayara Bugyal trek in this region. Additionally, with the introduction of Surya Top trekking batches, Raithal will now also serve as the base camp for this exciting new trekking destination.

Photograph: Aerial View of Basecamp at Raithal village

Our journey from Dehradun to Raithal took us through numerous picturesque locations, with Mussoorie being the most well-known. Throughout most of the trip, we were treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding Himalayan Mountain ranges, from Swargarohini on one side to the Gangotri ranges on the other. As we approached Uttarkashi and made our way towards Raithal village, the evening sun cast a beautiful glow on the distant snow-covered peaks of Mt. Srikanth, Draupadi ka Danda, and other magnificent peaks followed by overcast skies.

Photograph: A mesmerizing evening at the basecamp

By 4 PM, we reached our base camp, just in time to witness the stunning sunset illuminating the Gangotri range. The remainder of the day was dedicated to familiarizing ourselves with the trek, which included a briefing from our experienced trek guide and getting to know our support staff. As night fell, the temperature slightly dropped, creating a pleasant atmosphere of around 8 degrees Celsius at our picturesque campsite.


The morning sun greeted the campsite as early as 5 AM. Early sunrises provide ample time for morning activities. Emptying the bowels before breakfast is crucial for setting the tone of the day. Following a quick medical check-up, we enjoyed a hearty breakfast to kickstart our day. We then drove to the nearby village of Barsu, a 20 km journey that took us an hour to complete. Our trek commenced from Barsu, with a 5.5 km distance to our next campsite at Pichkiya, involving a gradual ascent. Along the way, we observed villagers going about their daily chores, including women carrying bundles of dry branches on their backs. These branches serve various purposes.

Photograph: Rhododendrons blooming against the backdrop of spectacular Gangotri range
Photograph: Rhododendrons in up-close
Photograph: Just a regular day for the local villagers from Barsu

As we progressed, we entered a dense forest cover, unlike the pine tree-filled trails of my previous treks. This time, we encountered oak trees and different varieties of Rhododendrons. Interestingly, Rhododendrons at varying altitudes produce flowers of different colors. During the trek, we crossed a picturesque stream and reached a vast open area offering stunning views of the surrounding peaks. After four hours of hiking, we reached Pichkiya, situated at an altitude of approximately 10,700 feet. Today, we ascended about 3000 feet. Rapid altitude gains of 2000 feet or more at high altitudes necessitate acclimatization to prevent Acute Mountain Sickness. Therefore, it was essential to rest and acclimatize properly before proceeding to higher altitudes.

Photograph: Traversing Serenity
Photograph: Whispers of the Stream
Photograph: Camping Vibes
Photograph: Under a blanket of vast open skies


Once more, the early morning sun paved the way for a promising day ahead. Enjoying the warmth of the sunrise, we indulged in a delicious breakfast. After dismantling our camping tents, we gathered for a group photo and continued our journey towards the next higher camp. The destination for the day was just 2.2 KM away, with a gradual ascent to an altitude of approximately 11,000 feet. This day proved to be the easiest so far in our trek. As we started climbing, we were about to leave the tree cover behind for the next few days. I was thrilled to hear the birds chirping, even though they were barely visible. Their sounds echoed throughout the region, creating a magical atmosphere.

Photograph: From camp to memories, as the journey continues
Photograph: Perhaps, a sneak peek!
Photograph: Day dreaming is good

For the first time, we caught a glimpse of Surya Top, which we would be summiting the following day. The viewpoint offered a stunning panorama of the valley below, with lush greenery on one side and snow-capped mountains on the other. As we approached our campsite, the weather began to worsen. At the last minute, we decided to change the location of our camp from Siyari to Uttron. Upon arrival, the threat of rain was imminent. The team quickly set up their tents as a precaution.

Photograph: Magical trekking trails
Photograph: Overcast skies waiting to open up
Photograph: A storm brewing over the majestic Himalayas!
Photograph: A well-deserved stretch after reaching new heights
Photograph: The calm before the storm: a moment of peace in the mountains.
Photograph: Blanketed in silence: camping as snowflakes gently fell around us

Just after lunch, as we settled in for a nap, the skies opened up. It started with hail, followed by heavy snowfall for three hours due to the plummeting temperatures. The once barren landscape transformed into a winter wonderland, a sight to behold. As night fell, the full moon illuminated the landscape, enhancing its beauty. Spending a night at a high-altitude campsite under a full moon is truly a breathtaking experience. The moonlight bathed the peaks in a soft, silvery glow, creating a surreal and mystical ambiance. The photograph captures the majestic summit in the background, adding to the allure.

Photograph: A night to remember, camping under the magic of a full moon


This day proved to be the most thrilling one. In the context of my documentation duties, this day held great significance. Our day commenced at the early hour of 4:30 AM, as we packed and prepared for our summit endeavor. The weather was bitterly cold, with the dawn light yet to fully illuminate the surroundings. Leaving our picturesque campsite behind, we embarked on a steep ascent. Upon conquering one of the many challenging climbs of the day, the sun began to emerge from the Gangotri range. The arduous ascent led us to a captivating ridge walk, offering breathtaking views of the Gangotri range on the right and the Yamunotri range on the left. In all my 10 visits to the Himalayas, I had never encountered such a magnificent ridge walk. It was truly the most majestic one.

Photograph: As dawn breaks, our camp awakens to the silent symphony of the Himalayas!
Photograph: Mount Srikantha [Elevation: 20,120 feet]
Photograph: One step close with each step
Photograph: Kalanag, aka Black peak, at an impressive elevation of 209,95 feet (tallest peak in the Bandarpunch Massif)
Photograph: Frozen pond nestled amidst towering mountains

We proceeded to traverse several more captivating paths, each leading us to even more challenging ascents. The final two hours of ascent truly tested our mental resilience and physical endurance. The entire team successfully reached the summit between 10 and 10:30 AM. Reaching the summit was a gratifying experience, as it afforded us a panoramic view of both the Gangotri and Yamunotri ranges of the Himalayas. We were now standing at an altitude of approximately 13,000 feet. Mindful of the weather conditions and the risk of altitude sickness, we expressed our gratitude to the mountain gods for protecting us and allowing us to reach the peak. After capturing our memorable moments, we commenced our descent.

Photograph: Upwards and Onwards
Photograph: Picturesque hike
Photograph: Rising to the challenge
Photograph: A careful navigation
Photograph: Against all Odds
Photograph: Trekker’s determination
Photograph: Campsite as seen from far above

Descending a snow-covered slope poses significant risks due to various factors. The main danger arises from the slippery surface of the snow and ice, leading hikers to lose their balance and potentially fall. This is especially true on steep inclines, where even a slight misstep can result in a lengthy and uncontrollable slide. Moreover, snow can hide obstacles like rocks and crevices, posing a threat of tripping or injury to trekkers. Considering these hazards, we proceeded cautiously and deliberately while descending, testing each step before fully committing our weight.

Photograph: Legendary Bandarpunch Massif [From Right to Left: Kalanag (aka Black peak): 20,954 feet, Bandarpunch I: 20,721 feet and Bandarpunch II: 20,009 feet]
Photograph: On path to a relentless pursuit of the summit
Photograph: A massive frozen lake at over 12,000 feet
Photograph: Up-close view of Bandarpunch Massif
On the day of the Summit, numerous instances of self-confidence were displayed by the members of the group, just like the moment of self-assurance I experienced before embarking on this trek. It was a truly treasured moment.
Photograph: Summit Visuals
Photograph: Summit Visuals
Photograph: Summit Visuals: Triumphant team poses at the summit of the Surya Top, which stands at an impressive altitude of about 13,000 feet.

As we were halfway down, the weather started to deteriorate. Based on individual paces, we split into two groups – some ahead and others lagging behind, unable to reach a safe meeting point on a flat surface. There were a few minor incidents of twisted ankles and slips among us, but fortunately, no serious mishaps occurred. Eventually, the entire group safely reached our next campsite at Siyari. We were now at an altitude of about 11,000 feet MSL. Nestled in a valley between towering mountain peaks, this campsite offered a tranquil setting. The distant Himalayan peaks provided a majestic backdrop to the already breathtaking landscape. As night fell, continuous snowfall gently covered the area, turning the campsite into a winter wonderland once again. The crisp, cold air and untouched snow created a mesmerizing and unforgettable experience.

Photograph: Fresh Blanket of Snow
Photograph: Love these patterns
Photograph: Magical Snowy Evening
Photograph: Surreal Sunset
Photograph: Silent reverence of the mountains


The previous night was undoubtedly the most challenging one to get some rest. The temperature dropped to a bone-chilling minus 4 degrees Celsius. Despite being bundled up in multiple layers of protection, sleeping in subzero temperatures tested both our endurance and preparedness. Inside the tent, thick sleeping bags and thermal layers were absolutely necessary to fend off the piercing cold. The sensation of the icy ground beneath us served as a constant reminder of the harsh conditions that awaited outside.At higher altitudes, a mere 3 to 4 hours of sleep equated to the restorative effect of 7 to 8 hours at sea level. Despite the freezing cold, I found myself reminiscing about the mesmerizing moonlit night sky, which made enduring the frigid temperatures all the more worthwhile. I anxiously awaited the break of dawn, yearning for the warmth it would bring. As soon as the first rays of sunlight appeared, we reveled in the glory of its radiance. Meanwhile, a few members of our group required medical assistance and were promptly escorted to lower altitudes before the rest of us could proceed. Today’s journey consisted of a healthy mix of steep ascents and descents.

Photograph: Mount Srikantha
Photograph: Another beautiful perspective of Gangotri range
Photograph: Glistening Snow, Golden Sun: A perfect camping!
Photograph: Surreal Landscapes

As a result of the heavy snowfall the previous night, we were forced to deviate from our original route and bypass the designated campsite. We retraced our steps back to the ridge walk of Day 4, and then took a detour to a lower altitude open grassland. At this point, we were surrounded by trees and could hear the delightful sounds of birds chirping, as well as admire the beautiful flora of the area. Our campsite for today was situated in an open grassland, with the majestic Gangotri range encircling us. As night descended, we gathered together to share our stories of success in reaching the summit and to learn more about what our fellow members had to say. Some of us became emotional as we recounted the challenges, we faced in reaching the summit. Personally, throughout the entire trek, I had to constantly adjust my pace to either lead the group or lag behind in order to capture captivating compositions. Photography is a medium that can convey a story without the need for words and combining it with trekking is a unique experience. This was my 11th time doing both activities together, and it held a special place in my heart. Those were truly cherished moments!

Photograph: Mountain Memories
Photograph: Beautiful Rhododendrons
Photograph: Heroes behind the trek
Photograph: Magnificent campsite


The trek’s final day was a mix of emotions as we retraced our steps back to Raithal basecamp. Memories of the journey, breathtaking views, shared laughter, and the obstacles we conquered flooded my mind with each step. The thought of leaving behind this tranquil and stunning wilderness weighed heavily on my heart. Every glance back at the trails we conquered and the distant peaks we admired filled us with a sense of achievement and a desire to stay back. The bond among us and the tranquility found in nature made the idea of returning to the ordinary world less appealing. However, I had no choice but to return to the urban jungle, promising myself to return beneath the open skies another day. This marks the successful completion of my 11th Himalayan Journey!

Photograph: First light of the day whispers secrets to the mountains
Photograph: Camping as the mountains greets a new day
Photograph: Perspectives! The heartbeat of any photograph.
Photograph: Aerial view of the beautiful Barsu village


Throughout the duration of our five-day journey, we discovered ourselves to be the only adventurers in the vast area. This exclusivity was primarily a result of the trek’s recent introduction, which has not yet drawn the interest of any trekking groups and/or their respective itineraries. We navigated the ups and downs of the terrain alone, with no other camping sites in sight besides our own. Such a scenario is a rarity in today’s age of social media, where every corner of the globe seems to receive unnecessary attention. Among all the Himalayan treks I have embarked on, this particular expedition remains a standout memory that will be cherished for years to come.

Photograph: Group Photo with the entire Support staff


This journey marked my first foray into officially documenting the newest trekking trails in the Himalayas for a renowned organization, Indiahikes. Being a Photo trekker for Indiahikes and having the chance to work on a sponsored Photography assignment was like a dream come true for me. It was an incredible opportunity, especially in India where there aren’t many exciting roles like this to collaborate with. I feel extremely grateful for this chance and I genuinely enjoyed every moment of my role as a Photo trekker with Indiahikes. I am confident that the Indiahikes community will appreciate and cherish my work. Transitioning from the scorching and humid summers of the peninsula to the bone chilling negative temperatures at high altitudes in the Himalayan landscapes was truly a remarkable experience. Witnessing the culmination of all the hard work put into completing this massive documentation task was truly gratifying. Trekking and capturing photographs of highest standards simultaneously was a challenging feat, both physically and mentally. However, in the end, it was all worth the effort. During the course of this trek, I had the chance to meet an amazing group of individuals who share similar interests, and I am confident that we will form lasting connections for future adventures.

I trust that you enjoyed the virtual travel experience with me. Please share your feedback in the comments below. Feel free to share this with your family and friends. Remember to subscribe to my travelogues for early access to captivating travel content. Looking forward to seeing your comments.

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